The super-star of the movie, the powerful leading actress, the main inspiring actor, the passionate protagonist, the good guy, the bad girl, the outstanding performer, the comical clown, whatever scene stealer it is you choose to be, you are the main role and it's your essential duty.
Simultaneously, you're also the film director, the movie maker, the scene supervisor, the executive producer, the chief controller and it is your obligation and your fundamental responsibility to direct this movie your own personalised way.
Furthermore, you're a special kind of director with a superior super power which only controls the main leading act the way you want him or her to act, regardless of any setbacks; You can only control how the main actress/actor thinks, responds to scenarios, analyses their past scenes as well as envision the future roll-out of the movie.
So let's picture your movie rolling out.
The first few scenes have already been shot, some of these scenes were played well, but some didn't really work out to your advantage due to unforeseen circumstances, bumps, bristles and blisters; all part of the movie. Some previous scenes have even been somewhat mentally harmful and added to quite a negative outlook to the way you see the world. However, as it's your movie, you control how it's directed as well as played, so you guide the main actor/actress (also you) to use these earlier scenes to your benefit. You choose to look at the previous scenes with new eyes, new possibilities, new ways to freedom, new painless paths, free from suffering and feeling trapped, with these new ideas, the roll out of the movie is a lot more promising, open worlded and you are more in control with a sense of power, protection and armory, ready to battle any future scenes.
As it's your own movie, your own creative work, anything is possible, and you can have the main actor/actress play exactly like the person you dream and imagine to be. You decide how you would want him/her to act, in any kind of negative or positive situation or life experience. How would you instruct the actor to act if you want the continuation of the movie to resemble what you would like your life to be?
-Your Life Drive.